AIVC Newsletter issue #15 – March 2019 now available
20-03-2019 | EU
The March 2019 issue of the AIVC newsletter has just been released.
Contents include:
- Foreword
- 15 -16 October 2019: 40th AIVC - 8th TightVent & 6th venticool conference in Ghent, Belgium
- Towards a better integration of indoor air quality and health issues in low-energy houses: Development of a performance-based approach for ventilation
- 39th AIVC Conference 2018: Summaries of the ventilative cooling and airtightness tracks
- 39th AIVC Conference, 2018: Best paper, best poster awards
- Highlights of the AIVC 2018 Conference at the REHVA Journal
- AIVC Ventilation Information Paper n°39
- Greece & Ireland join the AIVC
- 27 -28 March 2019, Dublin -AIVC & SEAI symposium "Quality ventilation is the key to achieving low energy healthy buildings"
- List of AIVC board members
The newsletter is freely accessible here.