AIVC 2019 Conference, 15 -16 October 2019, Ghent

01-07-2019 | EU
Registration is still open for the 40th AIVC conference: “From Energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC" to be held on October 15-16, 2019 in Ghent, Belgium together with the 8th TightVent and the 6th venticool conferences.
More than 100 papers have been accepted for presentation at the conference.
In addition, the following topical sessions are confirmed (more information is available on the website):
- 40 years of AIVC
- Bedroom ventilation, IAQ and sleep
- Better implementation of ventilative cooling (cooling of buildings using outside air as main source) in national (building) standards, legislation and compliance tools
- Controlling moisture for improved IAQ
- EPBD 2018/844/EU Article 19a feasibility study on the “inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems”
- EBC Annex 68 - Design and Operational Strategies for High IAQ in Low Energy Buildings
- EBC Annex 78 - Supplementing Ventilation with Gas-phase Air Cleaning, Implementation and Energy Implications
- EBC Annex 80 - Resilient Cooling
- Integrating uncertainties due to wind and stack effect in declared airtightness results
- Model based control and concepts for ventilation systems
- Performance-based assessment methods for ventilation systems
- IEA EBC Annex79: What information do we need for occupant-centric building design and operation?
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