3rd QUALICHeCK Conference on 10-11 May 2016

17-12-2015 | EU
The 3rd QUALICHeCK Conference wil take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 10-11 May 2016. The conference will cover, among others:
- Lessons learned from new QUALICHeCK studies regarding quality of the works and compliant data for Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
- Guidelines for robust legal frameworks for better enforcement of EPC regulations
- The potential impact of Building Information Modelling (BIM) uptake regarding EPC calculations
- Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) related databases
- Initiatives to ensure quality of the works
For further information on registration, programme etc., please visit the QUALICHeCK website at: http://qualicheck-platform.eu/