Tracer gas technology for IAQ measurements.


Whole house ventilation protects and improves.


9th AIVC Conference: Effective ventilation (Book of Proceedings)

Twenty three papers from the ninth AIVC Conference, titles as follows: Keynote speech: Air Infiltration and Ventilation; Natural airflows between roof, subfloor and living spaces; Experimental analysis of air diffusion in large space; Determination of ventilation efficiency based upon short term tests; Ventilation strategies in the case of polluted outdoor air situations; Ventilation generated by a fluctuating pressure differential; Air motion in the vicinity of air-supply devices· for displacement ventilation; integral mass mass balances and pulse injection tracer-techniques; Commercial bu

3rd AIC Conference: Energy efficient domestic ventilation systems for achieving acceptable indoor air quality (Book of Proceedings)

Contains 23 papers as follows: Keynote Paper The art of ventilation; Use of natural ventilation; Variations in householders' window opening patterns; Avoiding condensation and mould growth in existing housing with minimum energy input; Ventilation rates in relation to emission of gases and vapours from building materials; Ventilation and internal air movements for summer and winter conditions; A comparison of alternate ventilation strategies; Ventilation and energy consumption.

Air flow patterns within buildings: measurement techniques.

This handbook gives a comprehensive explanation of the theoretical and practical aspects of measuring important parameters for understanding air infiltration and ventilation within buildings. Discussed parameters include: airtightness of the building envelope and its component leakage paths; air exchange rates within a building and with the external environment; efficiency of the ventilation system; flow rates in the ventilation network. It has been designed so that material suited to differing levels of expertise is readily accessible.
