Integrated Solution in an Office Room with Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation and Thermally Activated Building Constructions

This work presents an energy assessment of the natural ventilation performance within buildings located on both hot-temperate and mild-temperate conditions such as the existing along the central region of Mexico. With the assistance of a coupled thermalairflow simulation program, simulations are run without and with natural ventilation, respectively. Thereby, the consumption of air-conditioning presented in this region is validated with data from literature when natural ventilation is not applied.

Experimental study of diffuse ceiling ventilation coupled with a thermally activated building construction in an office room

This paper presents and analyses the performance of an integrated system with diffuse ceiling ventilation and a thermally activated building construction. A full-scale experiment is carried out in a hot box with an office setup. The performance of the integrated system is evaluated under different boundary conditions, considering different weather conditions, internal heat loads, TABS activation modes and with/without diffuse ceiling. The measurement results indicate that the diffuse ceiling plays a beneficial role improving thermal comfort in the occupied zone.