Dynamic Modelling of Both Thermal and Air Quality Conditions in Houses

In this study the COwZ model (COMIS with sub-zones) was modified to allow dynamic simulations ofindoor thermal conditions, humidity and pollutant transport and concentrations throughout wholebuildings. The new version of COwZ may be used to predict the impact of heat supply and ventilation options on indoor conditions, particularly temperature and humidity, over extended periods, with dynamic weather conditions and varying occupant activities.

Calibration and testing of thermal simulation models of air heaters

Detailed measurements of the thermal characteristics of one one-row and one four-row ducted, hydronic air heating coil have been performed. The measurements were made in a carefully designed and produced laboratory setup, capable of creating almost perfect step changes of both water flow rate and supply temperature. The heaters steady-state characteristics were first modeled. The model was then calibrated with a set of measurements by means of parameter estimation. Then a couple of dynamic models, based on the calibrated steadystate models, were tested.

Green architecture in Toushky.

Derivation of simple ventilation and thermal models for a naturally ventilated auditorium with high internal heat gains.

Measurements of ventilation rates and internal temperatures have been recorded in a naturallyventilated auditorium with high intermittent heat gains for a wide range of weather conditionsat a UK site. Satisfactory internal temperatures and high ventilation rates have been found forwinter, mid-season and summer external conditions.Simple ventilation and thermal models have been derived from experimental data whichallow the prediction of ventilation rates and internal temperatures within the auditoriumdespite the complex natures of the flow regimes and heat transfer mechanisms present.

Energy diagnostic system.

The Energy Diagnostic System (EDS) automatically reviews the energy condition of a building and performs some simple diagnostics. The system contains a thermal model of the building that has been determined earlier in a learning period of approximately 90 days after the installation of the system. This model calculates the reference energy consumption. The energy condition is determined by comparing the measured energy consumption with this calculated energy consumption.

Validation of building thermal and energy models.


Full-scale experimental validation of a building thermal model in the CLIM2000 simulation software.

Within the framework of full-scale experimental validation of the global building energy simulation software programme CLIM2000 developed by Electricity Applications in Residential and Commercial Buildings Branch of Electricite De France (EDF is the French utility company) Research and Development Division, an experimentation has been carried out in a 100 m2 real house from Oct 95 to May 96. The first step was to predict in « blind way » the total electrical power consumption of the house on the basis of three different meteorological situations (cold, hot and medium).