Computer rooms.


Alternative concepts in cleanrooms.


The principles and dilemmas of designing durable house envelopes for the North.

Starting from the premise that condensation in the building envelope is a prime cause of its deterioration, the mechanisms that cause condensation are discussed and control measures explained. The conflicts that arise between some of these measures, the probability of achieving them under realistic construction conditions, and the possible need for fail-safe provisions should complete success not be achieved, are described.

Ventilation requirements for moisture control in different climates.

One of the most important reasons for ventilation of dwellings is moisture control. Ventilation strategies differ. The article deals with 1) Ventilation as a measure for moisture control in dwellings: comfort aspects, durability aspects, air humidity and ventilation: 2) Principles for risk analyses; surface phenomena, moisture conditions within buildings components; 3) Ventilation requirements in different climates; climatic data for different climatic zones, principles for moisture- ventilation analysis, and analyses of the examples.

Ventilation and occupant behaviour in two apartment buildings.

In this paper we approach the subject of ventilation and occupant behavior in multifamily buildings by asking three questions: 1) why and how do occupants interact with ventilation in an apartment building, 2) how does the physical environment (i.e., building characteristics and climate) affect the ventilation in an apartment, and 3) what methods can be used to answer the first two questions. To investigate these and other questions, two apartment buildings in Chicago were monitored during the 1985 - 1986 heating season.

Influence of the meteorological conditions on the inhabitants' behaviour in dwellings with mechanical ventilation.

Within the framework of the national research project "Ventilationin Housing Construction", studies on occupants ' ventilation behaviour were conducted in a demonstration building in Duisburg- Neumuhl (Federal Rep. of Germany) which also formed part of the project . Analyses were based on values measured from Jan, 1 - Dec. 31, 1984 in 24 flats with identical ground plans, all of which were equipped with mechanical ventilation systems.

Objectives of indoor climate influence on the structure of the proposed new Finnish ventilation code. Sisailmastotavoitteet muuttaneet osaltaan D2-maaraysehdotuksen rakennetta.

The new proposal for ventilation requirements in the National Building Code of Finland is on public review. The structure of the proposal is different from the existing ventilation code. Minimum requirements for acceptable indoor climate will be given to a wider extent than before, eg new requirements for indoor air temperature and purity are proposed. Also the quality of outdoor air should be taken into account in design of ventilation. Health aspects are also considered, based on today's international knowledge of indoor air quality and human health.

An integrated computational procedure to predict natural ventilation in buildings.

A computational procedure to predict expected rates of natural ventilation for buildings at the design stage is investigated. This procedure integrates three computational methods, namely one to predict temperature induced pressures, another to compute wind generated pressure distributions around buildings, and the third to analyse the networks of resulting air flows in buildings. Experiments show that these methods are valid. The three methods can be used not only for the prediction of natural ventilation, but also for many other environmental engineering applications, e.g.

The dynamics of indoor air quality.

A benchmark study by Geomet Technologies, Inc, is developing data on the air quality effects of weatherizing a home. One effort under this study has bee nhas been an experiment carefully designed to quantify the relationships between the thr

Investigations into the determination of ventilation heat loss. Untersuchungen zur bestimmung des luftungswarmebedarfs.

States that with improved thermal insulation, ventilation heat losses are becoming increasingly important for the total heat demand of a building, particularly multistorey buildings. Explains how the ventilation heat loss of individual rooms
