Field studies of the air tightness of residential buildings.

Four two-storey four-bedroom test houses were built in 1974 near Columbus, Ohio and have been instrumented and monitored by Ohio State University. All four houses are unoccupied. Air infiltration rates were measured in all four houses using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas and two of the houses were pressure tested for air leakage. Discusses results and the correlation between infiltration, inside-outside temperature difference and wind velocity. Compares tracer gas results with pressurization tests.

Adaptable modules for air infiltration studies in home heating.

The Alberta Home Heating Research Facility consists of six uninhabited wood frame single storey modules with full basements. Describes the modules which are designed to test domestic heating strategies in a northern climate. Reports a series of preliminary measurements of infiltration rate using SF6 as a tracer gas and measuring the rate of decay of the gas. Future studies are planned using SF6 in constant concentration.

Automated air infiltration measurements in large buildings.

An automated air infiltration measurement system for large buildings isdescribed. The system consists of a micro-computer, electron capture gaschromatograph, a ten port sampling manifold, and five tracer gas injectionunits. The system controls the injection and sampling of tracer gas in amulti-zone building, calculates the air infiltration rates of each zone, andmeasures the on-time of events such as HVAC fan operation, exhaust fan operation,and door/window openings.

An investigation of air infiltration characteristics and mechanisms for a townhouse.

Reports measurements of air infiltration and leakage using tracer gas and the pressurization technique in a three bedroom townhouse having a gas-fired forced-air furnace system. The measurements were made in order to quantify the amount of infiltration due to various mechanisms.

A prototype semi-automated system for measuring air infiltration in buildings using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer.

Describes a system which automatically operates a small gas chromatograph and measures parts per billion concentrations of sulphur hexafluoride in air. It samples air on a 10-minute cycle and records the response on a strip chart recorder. When SF6 in distributed in the air of a building, data is obtained from which air infiltration rates may be determined.

Experimental characterisation of ventilation systems in buildings.

Reports experiments using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas to obtain quantitative data on actual residence time distributions in rooms and hallways and contamination caused by reentry of laboratory fume hood exhausts into a building. Defines a factor k which gives a measure of the mixing of fresh withstale air in part of a room. Measured values of k varied from 0.3 to 0.7 insmall rooms without fans. Discusses two experiments to find the amount of exhaust fumes reentering the ventilation system of a building.

Detection of nanogram quantities of sulphur hexafluoride by electron capture methods.

Suggests use of an electron capture detector for the routine estimation of the SF6 content of a mixture of gases without preliminary chromatographic separation. Gives chromatogram illustrating method.

Air leakage measurements in a mobile home.

Reports air leakage measurements made in a mobile home using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. The home was located in an environmental chamber where it was possible to measure and control the temperature outside the home. The effect on infiltration rate of inside-outside temperature difference, simulated wind, installation of storm windows, opening of doors and operation of the furnace for was investigated. Also reports pressurization measurements which showed that the installation of storm windows had little effect on air leakage.

Air leakage measurements in three apartment houses in the Chicago area.

Describes air infiltration measurements made in three apartment houses in the Chicago area using SF6 as a tracer gas. Two were in tenement districts and one was suburban. Data were collected in selected apartments in each building, and these data were used to estimate the infiltration rate for the entire building.

Determination of combined air infiltration and ventilation rates in a nine-story office building.

Reports measurements of ventilation rates made in a nine-story office building. Two methods were used; tracer gas decay rate using sulphur hexafluoride and a direct method when air flow rates through roof vents and exhaust units were measured. Gives summary of results and finds good agreement between the two methods.
