Requistiti impiantistici per le zone fumatori. Public survey system requirements for smoking areas.

This document, which is part of a public survey, was produced by the work group set up in co-operation with Aicarr to support the Technological Group of the 'Indoor' Technical and Scientific Committee of the Prevention Department of the Health Ministry. The document's objective is singling out the system requirements for smoking areas in premises for public use.

Protection of non smoking persons against cigarette smoke by airflow.

The protection of non-smoking persons against cigarette smoke is a very popular subject. In Germany the ,pro' and , contra' of non-smoking regulations especially in public accessible areas like restaurants, train stations or in governmental buildings is discussed in a more and more controversial way. Especially the discussion about passive smoking and negative health effects through passive smoking lead to the demand of an effective protection of nonsmokers.

Futile filters.

Standard 62 may hold the answer to the smoking problem, says Ewen Rose