ASHRAE Indoor Carbon Dioxide Position Document: What’s Next?

ASHRAE’s 2022 publication of a new position document on indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) has been a significant contribution to ongoing discussions of how indoor CO2 can be used to understand ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ). The position document clarifies what is known about the relationship between CO2 concentrations and ventilation rates, the effects of CO2 on building occupants, and how CO2 concentrations relate to airborne infectious disease transmission. While the position document is a key step to addressing ongoing debate and

Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA): History and Future

In these three presentations, we review the origins and history of the Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance, AIVC’s view of the potential value of IEQ-GA, and directions it is taking and may take over the next decade. 

European studies on natural ventilation.


The US Environmental Protection Agency's national strategy for radon remediation.

During the past 10 years the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has pursued a national strategy to address radon remediation in buildings to meet its goals of radon risk reduction. Initially the approach developed and demonstrated remediation methods and techniques in existing residences with specific attention to the effect of regional climate variations and the differences in housing construction. A number of studies and demonstrations were undertaken to accurately characterize and evaluate the effectiveness of several remediation methods and techniques.