Mapping the geogenic radon potential in germany

Mapping the geogenic radon potential in Germany is a research project initiated by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Conservation and Reactor Safety. The project was aimed to develop a standard methodology for the estimation of a geogenic radon potential and to apply this method to map the region of Germany as an overview for planning purposes. The regionalization results from a distance-weighted interpolation of the site-specific values of radon concentration in soil gas and in-situ gas permeability of soils on a regular grid considering the corresponding geological units.

The Austrian radon projec

The Austrian Radon Project (ARP) is aimed to investigate and measure systematically the indoorradon concentration in about 0.5% of all Austrian homes. With the information from this surveyareas of enhanced indoor radon concentration can be identified and people living in such areasshould be encouraged to mitigate their homes. The radon potential is introduced by normalizingthe observed radon data to a standard situation. By mapping the radon potential an overview on thegeological risk for enhanced indoor radon concentrations will be available.