Gamma-ray spectrometry: intra- and interlaboratory test of the Dutch protocol

This paper present the results of a test programme to validate the Dutch pre-normative protocol NVN 5623 ‘Radioactivity measurements: Determination of the activity of gamma-ray emitting nuclides in a counting sample by means of semi-conductor gamma-spectr

Challenges in harmonising controls on the radioactivity of building materials within the European Union

Possibilities for harmonising controls on the radioactivity of building materials within the EuropeanUnion are being discussed in the Working Party on Natural Radiation Sources established by theArticle 31 Group of Experts (Euratom Treaty). The Working Party is preparing a document to aid theArticle 31 Expert Group and the European Commission in considering possible recommendations andtechnical guidance to the Member States for the implementation of the new Basic Safety StandardsDirective concerning the radioactivity of building materials.

Radioactivity in building materials: experimental methods,calculations and an overview of the italian situation

First, models (room models) published in the international literature allowing the exposure togamma radiation indoors due to building materials to be assessed are reviewed and discussed. Forone of them, a sensitivity analysis regarding the effect of changing the parameters (e.g. dimensionsof the room, thickness and density of the walls, etc.) used in calculations is performed.

Indoor radon measurements in patras, greece, with solid state nuclear track detectors

Measurements of indoor radon (222Rn) concentrations were carried out by using LR-115 II solid statenuclear track detectors (SSNTD). One hundred forty detectors were placed randomly in Patras housesfor two periods of three months exposure, from December 1996 to November 1997. The observedmean radon values compared with the standard recommended values are low, while the maximumrecorded value is found to be within the limits. The influence of seasonal variation as well thedistance from the ground on radon level were also investigated.

Radon measurement from touristic underground waters in maramures county

Three different methods were used to measure radon concentration in groundwater near Baia Mare andin other places of touristic interest from Maramures, the northest district of Romania. The majority ofthe samples have been measured using two methods of alpha detection. The Radon Emanometermethod has a sensibility ofl 0.074 Bq/l (2 pCi/l) and it uses a device of Russian provenience. We madeseventy (70) different measurements with this device.

Radon in dwellings : a report Le radon dans les habitations, un constat.

Follows an article by M.Cadierigues in Promoclim E, December 1984, describing radon in the inhabited environment. The phenomena is still not well understood in France, and the possible solution which ventilation may provide is yet to be establi

Indoor radon concentrations in public buildings

Indoor radon concentrations have been measured in a 13 year old two story concrete building of the University of Texas at Dallas. Variations of the radon concentration from the basement to the second floor in offices, classrooms, laboratories, storage rooms, corridors and other locations have been measured. Dependence of the above concentrations on the location and ventilation rates have been studied.
