Building air flow is directly related to the building energy consumption and indoor air quality. As buildings become increasingly air tight, air flow through building background cracks becomes more important, and can account for up to half of the total building air infiltration. However, background leakage is not well understood, due to the lack of appropriate measurement methods. The multi-fan guarding zone or deduction technique provides a means for testing background leakage distributions, an important parameter for characterising the background leakage.
In the past few years, research efforts have been made to acquire accurate knowledge about infiltration and ventilation in multi-zone buildings. By this way, a wide variety of modelling techniques have been developed which suffer of a lack of satisfactory validations. The purpose of this work is to set up a data bank of high quality measurements which will serve to cany out an empirical validation of multi-zone air infiltration programs. Among other data, a complete set of air flow permeabilities of a well known experimental midsize building will be included to this bank.