Pressure fluctuations on a square building model in boundary layer flows

Spatio-temporal measurements of a fluctuating pressure field acting on the side faces of a square prism of finite height in boundary-layer flows are presented for a zero degree angle of attack. Two typical neutral atmospheric flow conditions

Project Report. Field testing of wind cooling effects on Navy buildings

Wind pressures on three Navy buildings at the Kanehoe Marine Corp Air Station, Hawaii were measured. Indoor and outdoor variables were also measured including temperature, dry bulb, wet bulb, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. Pressure measurements were carried out using Validyne DP103 pressure transducers, and a static pressure probe. Natural ventilation is estimated 1. by combining window areas and pressure coefficients with wind speed and 2. using the LBL infiltration model.

A full-scale study of the geometric parameters that influence wind loads on low rise buildings.

Instruments full-scale agricultural and horticultural buildings with surface pressure sensors to measure wind loads under natural wind conditions. To show the effect of building geometry on wind loads, presents results of pressure coefficients on a selection of these buildings. The results in this report relate to transverse wind direction only. Shows that wind load does not reduce to a function of the geometric variables of height/span and roof pitch.

The calculation of natural ventilation and comfort.

Natural ventilation can be used to reduce cooling loads and increase human comforts in buildings in hot humid climates. Airflow rates are determined by the wind pressure on the faces of the building and the amount of open area. Describes wind pressure coefficient measurements made on 2 buildings at theKaneohe Marine Corps Air Station on the island of Oahu, Hawaii during summer 1982. These full scale measurements will be compared to reduced-scale measurements made of the boundary-layer wind tunnel at the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory.

Effects of surrounding buildings on wind pressure distributions and ventilative heat losses for a single family house.

Describes a wind tunnel investigation of wind pressure distributions over a 1:100 scale model of a single family house, surrounded by identical building models in various regular arrays. Measures time-mean pressures at 122 locations on walls and roofs in a 90 degree wind angle sector. Calculates air change rates and corresponding heat losses for a full-scale building of the same type for a range of wind speeds and outdoor air temperature. Uses the full number of local pressure coefficients for the building surfaces as input data.

Air infiltration in high-rise buildings

Performs tracer gas measurements and fan pressurization experiments on an 8-storied student residential building in order to determine the influence of wind as well as of stack effect upon air infiltration. Compares pressure and tracer gas distributions with those from a predictive infiltration computer model for high rise buildings.

Comparison of wind pressures on a mobile home in model and full scale.

Compares wind pressures measured on a 1:25 scale model of a mobile home with results from a full-scale investigation. The modelling technique used exaggerates the surface roughness in order to match the full-scale turbulence intensity at the model height. Shows that there is reasonable agreement of themean and RMS pressure coefficients between model and full scale, when the pressure coefficients are normalized by the local dynamic head at the building height.

Full-scale measurement of wind pressures acting on a high-rise building of rectangular plan.

Describes full-scale measurements of wind pressures carried out on a high-rise building situated in an urban area and having an almost rectangular plan. Summarizes the results of measurements of the wind pressures acting on the windward and leeward faces of the building in a nearly face-on wind. Presents pressure coefficients, probability distributions, peak factors, power spectra and coherences.

Wind pressures on roofs with negative pitch.

Reports on experiments carried out on models with trough roofs in order to study the influence of parapet height and wind turbulence. The models were exposed to both turbulent shear flow and a smooth uniform flow. Pressure coefficients were c

Pressure distribution around low rise buildings.

States that one of the major difficulties in estimating air infiltration rates in buildings is lack of full scale data on pressure distribution on various structural shapes located in different types of surface roughness category. Tries to fill this gap by studying two building structures of different shapes and situated in different environments, registering the mean pressure distribution and calculating the rate of air leakage due to openings. The first house is of old type construction and in a `semi-urban' environment.
