IEA Annex IX 'Minimum Ventilation Rates' - Survey and Outlook.

Eleven countries are cooperating to establish guidelines for minimum ventilation rates which are sufficiently large to meet the demand for outdoor air in buildings without unnecessarily wasting energy. The most important pollutants have been identified as: carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, radon, moisture, body odour, organic vapours and gases, combustion products and particulates. To a certain degree some of thesesubstances can be used as indicators for acceptable air quality to establish minimum ventilation rates.

Air quality issues in ventilation standards.

Ventilation standards in buildings are receiving increased attention because of energy conservation and indoor air quality. An important example of this is the current ASHRAE Standard 62-1981, "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality." This standard contains two distinct procedures that can be used to set ventilation rates. The first is a prescriptive specification that mandates ventilation rates for particular building types. The second is a performance specification that uses target concentrations of indoor contaminants as the basis for deciding the adequacy of ventilation rates.

Infiltration, energy conservation and indoor air quality.

One option of reducing residential energy consumption is to improve air tightness but adequate ventilation must be provided for health reasons. Sources of infiltration and factors affecting infiltration rates are described, with methods for quantifying and comparing rates. The relationship with air quality is explained and the effect that air quality has on respiration and health. Typical indoor pollutants are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, radon and radon progeny, formaldehyde gas, particulates, tobacco smoke and odours.

The IEA project on minimum ventilation rates. IEA-Projekt 'Minimale Luftungsraten'

The minimum fresh air requirements needed for perfect indoor air quality are being studied and these will form the basis of the Swiss Guidelines for Ventilation. An optimization between the need to reduce heat loss and fresh air requirements for health is the aim. Pollutants in indoor air, such as formaldehydes, radon, carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulates, have to be considered.

Indoor climate

Describes expectations people have of indoor climate. Notes that the quality of indoor climate has often taken second place to fashionable architectural and material considerations. Refers to concern for improved environment and awareness of formaldehyde, radon and other pollutants and the need for correct ventilation to achieve derived air quality. Provides guidelines for air quality, and the thermal environment in both housing and working premises.

Indoor climate problems in a kindergarten, and how they were solved

An account is given of what the kindergarten staff wrongly believed caused the problems and what measures they carried out in an attempt to solve them. On the spot measurements showed however what the real main cause of the problems was. Results from the comprehensive measurements of CO2 concentrations andother ventilation performance criteria in a room occupied by 12 children and 3adults are then presented.

Factors influencing formaldehyde levels in manufactured housing

A matched pair of identical mobile homes, one supplied with electric heating and cooking utilities and the other with propane gas utilities, were used to evaluate, over a 14-month period, various factors which may affect indoor formaldehyde c

Mobile laboratory for sensory air quality studies in non-industrial environments

A mobile laboratory has been constructed for the sensory analysis of air quality in the field. It is used as a human exposure chamber for prolonged exposure to low concentration pollutants, a generator chamber for air pollutants, and a pollut

The office environment - how dangerous?

During the past few years it has become apparent that office environment problems have reached epidemic proportions. The Department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health and Community Medicine in 1963 was empowered by the State Legisl

Concentrations of airborne formaldehyde in modern dwellings with low rate of ventilation

Formaldehyde concentrations and ventilation rates in Finnish housing were measured. Results are discussed with reference to the recommended minimum ventilation rate of 0.5 ach.
