Design and operational strategies for good Indoor Air Quality in low-energy dwellings: performance evaluation of two apartment blocks in East London, UK

To achieve stringent energy objectives, new dwellings are subject to energy conservation measures including low air permeability and high levels of insulation. Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) can be used to control the balance between energy efficiency and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in these buildings. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the design and operational strategies adopted in a new development comprising two apartment blocks in East London.

Evaluating the effect of occupant behaviour and expectations on actual energy use and environmental conditions in ‘sustainable’ social housing in South East England

This paper investigates the effect of occupant behaviour and expectations on energy use and indoor environmental conditions of six case study dwellings in three sustainable social housing developments in UK using building performance evaluation methods. The case study houses cover a variety of built forms and different types of construction systems but have similar occupancy profiles and tenures.