Experts continue to assess building energy analysis tools.


Indoor air quality and passive solar buildings.

Passive solar buildings are expected to provide their intended functions, safely and without adverse health effects, and at substantial energy savings compared to conventional buildings. Moreover, passive solar buildings are frequently considered as appropriate technology in parts of the world where the incidence rates of diseases associated with indoor exposures may be the highest.

A more environmentally conscious design of passive solar buildings: the role of acoustical insulation with reference to traffic noise.

ln the past, passive solar buildings were specifically designed with respect to energy and thermal comfort requirements. Within this framework a fa9ade able to collect solar energy and bring indoor suitable conditions for occupants was thought of as an optimal building device. On the contrary, little attention was paid to their acoustic behaviour.

Benefits of adjustable shutters, shading devices and vent windows in passive solar buildings.

Passive solar building are developed to take advantage of the solar heat to reduce the cost of heating. This is obtained by windows with large glass areas in the facade of the building. This idea has some disadvantages. The large window area gives large transmission losses and during warm periods of the year overheating can occur. These disadvantages can be overcome by adding extra window components to the building, like a shutter, shading devices and vent windows. In order to study the capabilities of the building and the various components a computer simulation is developed.

Control of passive solar system.

Without control high solar fractions arc difficult to obtain from Trombe walls, direct solar gains, and rock bins. Integration of all these techniques by control is absolutely necessary. A short review is given of the available sensors, actuators, and control systems. The control of individual solar techniques as well as several combinations are discussed; for instance, the control strategy for the combination of direct solar gains and Trombe Wall. Based on literature general conclusions are given about the energy efficiency of these systems in relation with the control strategy.

Probe 13: Charities Aid Foundation.


Solar building study. Gateway Two - summary report.

