Assessment of durability of airtightness in passive houses through recurring testing

Purpose of the work

The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of the building airtightness over the time and to assess the long term performance (durability) of the air barrier system. For this purpose, several passive houses were repeatedly tested over a period of 6 to 11 years.

Method of approach

Airtightness of a multi-family passive residential building in the Czech Republic

During the construction of a multi-family residential building the developer decided that the building must comply with the airtightness requirements for passive houses. Based on inspection work and preliminary testing, the original design was revised. The execution of the new air barrier system was supervised. Selected flats were repeatedly tested during the construction process. The whole building was tested once before the completion of the construction. After the completion of the building, all the flats, the whole building and the staircase were tested again.

The power of quality

Through the experiences gained by building a sufficient number of air-tight buildings, the author will illustrate the ease of detailing and constructing an air tight building. Using parallels to conventional building typologies, the methods of making an air-tight building enveloppe will be explained. The presentation will be divided into following chapters:

1. Precicious building methodology. 

Valutazione technico economica di un intervento di riprogettazione energetica basato sullo standard passivhaus

Il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile rappresenta oggi il punto di partenza per nuove strategie progettuali fondate su target energetici e di qualità ambientale, soprattutto nei nuovi edifici. Scopo del lavoro è quello di analizzare le prestazioni del siste