Mold, a poltergeist.

Mold growing, within the walls of a brick veneer home can pose special · problems for diagnosis and remediation.

Microbiology on "Indoor Air '99" - what is new and interesting? An overview of selected papers presented in Edinburgh, August 1999.

A multidisciplinary approach to microbiological implications of indoor air is fruitful for research as well as management of health and building problems. The Finnish and the Danish mold programs are examples of such productive collaborative studies. Dust samples taken from classrooms in schools where occupants complain of building-related symptoms (BRS) demonstrated an inflammatory potential in vitro, measured as a release of cytokine interleukin (IL)-8.

Moisture damage in schools - symptoms and indoor air microbes.

The association of moisture damages of school buildings with microbial indoor air quality and health status of school children was studied. To determine the association the school buildings (N=32) were divided into the moisture damaged (index) and non-damaged (reference) schools according to technical inspection data. Children's health surveys were made by questionnaires. Microbes were determined from indoor air of school buildings using a six-stage impactor. Children in the index schools reported more respiratory symptoms compared to children in the reference schools.

Computer simulation of window condensation potential.

Condensation on windows creates obscured view, can cause building damage, and may lead to mold growth and poor indoor air quality. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) has developed new procedures to evaluate window condensation potential, using a combination of computer simulation and testing. This paper summarizes results of a study into various aspects of computer simulation related to the evaluation of condensation potential. These findings were used to assist in the development of the CSA procedures.

Mouldy houses - building science lessons from the Wallaceburg Project.

Thirty-nine houses with high levels of biologically active contaminants in Wallace burg, Canada, and twenty houses with low levels of biologically active contaminants, were subjected to field inspections and testing, monitoring of indoor environmental conditions, and simulation to predict the condensation formation potential in winter. Occupant health was evaluated through questionnaires and blood sampling from an index child (closest to age ten) for analyses of T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte structure.

Demand controlled ventilation in schools - energetic and hygienic aspects

In this study, we investigated the indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms with exhaustventilation systems and in naturally ventilated classrooms. In the latter, we found peak CO2-concentrations of more than 4000 ppm. 1500 ppm was exceeded during 40 to 86% ofteaching time, dependent on class size. The windows were opened rarely in winter which ledto low mean air exchange rates of 0.20 0.23 h^-1. The operation of mechanical ventilationsystems improved IAQ considerably. Peak CO2-concentrations decreased to less than 2500ppm. 1500 ppm was exceeded for only 7 to 57% of teaching time.
