Towards Low-Energy Factory Buildings (A Case Study)

This paper presents a case study of a typically poor energy performing factory building singled outfrom nation-wide study on factory buildings for improving energy performance. Short term energymonitoring has shown that lighting system is the main energy consumer of landlord area energyusage in these naturally ventilated factory buildings. It aims to maximize significant energyperformance upgrading opportunities in the lighting system and explore the use of photovoltaics toachieve low-energy factory buildings.

Super-efficient mechanical ventilation.

A novel ventilation system has been installed in buildings constructed for the New Campus of the University of Nottingham. Super-efficient mechanical ventilation has been used as part of an integrated environmental strategy and operates with fan input powers below 0.5 W. l-1.  s-1 of airflow. The complete plant was assembled from innovative low-pressure components and has exceptional performance. A key element of the design is that components of the system are bypassed when not in use. At the heart of the system is a low-velocity, high efficiency thermal wheel.

Ventilation for people.

The developing trend that Building Regulations in the future will be applied to buildings in use rather than to their design intent on paper has many important implications. It will lead to pressure testing of new buildings to ensure air tightness, low energy bills and the associated absence of draughts. Importantly, it means that for the first time, the ventilation air will enter the building through the air inlet ductwork. This offers the designers the opportunity to control the indoor environment to create refreshing comfortable climate while retaining low energy use.