Evaluation of the Environmental Impact and Financial Cost of Buildings in the First Design Phase

Since most important design decisions are taken during the first design phase, an evaluation ofthe total environmental impact is necessary at that moment. A first step in that direction is takenby the Flemish government through the introduction of the Energy Performance Norm (EPN) fromJanuary 2006 on. The EPN evaluates the overall energy consumption of buildings during the usephase instead of looking at thermal insulation and compactness only.

Life cycle energy savings in office building.

The Tokyo Gas Kohoku NT Building, completed in March 1996, was built with the objective of achieving overall savings of energy and natural resources throughout the entire life cycle of the building, from construction to demolition. The building is expected to reduce primary energy consumption by 35% and lifecycle co2 emissions by 25%. This was combined with the positive use of natural energy sources and the introduction of a cogeneration system with an absorption chillerheater using waste heat as input for its generators.