The combined effects of temperature and humidity on initial emittable formaldehyde concentration of a medium-density fiberboard

Individual effects of temperature and humidity on formaldehyde emissions from manufactured fiberboards have been studied previously, but their combined effects and possible correlation with initial emittable concentration (C0) of building materials have not been reported yet. This paper investigated their combined effects on C0 theoretically from microcosmic perspective. Total formaldehyde content related to humidity and formaldehyde molecular phases affected by temperature in the porous material were considered.

The effect of humidity on formaldehyde emission parameters of a medium-density fiberboard: Experimental observations and correlations

Initial emittable concentration (C0), diffusion coefficient (Dm) and partition coefficient (K) are the three key emission parameters determining formaldehyde emissions from “dry” building materials. Previous studies of humidity effect on formaldehyde emissions were mainly focused on the analysis of steady-state emission rates or concentrations, whereas humidity effects on emission parameters were seldom discussed.