Energy tariff is a major cost in hotel operation. Effective use of energy can reduce operationalexpenditures and has important environmental benefits. Solar heat gain particularly throughfenestration, contributes to a significant proportion of the building envelope cooling load. More solarradiation means more total solar heat gain and hence, more cooling requirements and larger electricityconsumption for air-conditioning in hot summer. Daylight makes an interior space look more lively andattractive and people expect good natural lighting in their living spaces.


Energy conservation is one of the key issues for environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment. Currently, about 17% of the total energy is being consumed for heating, ventilation, airconditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration in Hong Kong. Therefore, energy saving in the HVAC systemsof buildings is an important topic. In this paper, a study on the energy saving in a hotel HVAC systemwas carried out. The cooling load features of the hotel were analyzed. Retrofitting strategy of theHVAC system in the hotel was then designed.

Sampling of aerosols in a hotel’s air-conditioning systems

We conducted an on-site test of air-conditioning systems in a hotel in Changsha, Hunan, China in the summer of 2003. And indoor particulate matters, bioaerosols were the main pollutants sampled from indoor spaces and three air-conditioning systems, one of which serves the lobby of the hotel, with the other two supply fresh air to the cook room and dinning-rooms. Short-term and long-term sampling of deposited particles in the air-conditioning systems was carried out and their size distribution was tested by Optical Particle Counters (OPCs).

Radon levels and dose estimation in some hot spring hotels

Guangdong is one of the provinces that have most hot springs in China. This paper presents the results of radon measurements in hot spring hotels of Guangdong province by using NR-667A continuous radon detector. Radon concentrations were measured in hotel rooms with attached bathrooms, tap waters and outdoors air. Radon concentrations were 53.4-292.5 Bq/L in the hot spring water, and 17.2-190.9 Bq/m3 in outdoor air.

Automatic tools for fault detection and diagnostic of HVAC systems for hotel and office building.

Faults and malfunctions in HVAC systems can be difficult to detect with current tools. The survey developed automatic faults detection diagnostic tools for the improvement of buildings facilities supervision.

US hotel with good IAQ leaves you breathing easy.


The use of bioclimatic principles and geothermal energy sources in designing the hotel "Ana" in Kanjiza Spa.

The detailed urban plan of Kanjiza beside the two existing hotels at the grounds assigned for the development of the Institute of Special Medical Rehabilitation "Kanji"a Spa" comprises a plan to build a third hotel. An urbanistic solution of the complex was found, (positioning of the hotel) based on a bioclimatic study in which bioclimatic elements both in the analysis of the location and in the architectural design were taken into account. The bioclimatic study started by considering the elements of climate and the conditions of the location.
