Evolution of ventilation strategies in air-conditioned buildings in Singapore – IAQ and Energy perspectives

Situated 1º North of the equator, Singapore has a year-round hot and humid climate with temperatures in the range of 25 and 32º C and relative humidity around 70%.  In view of these environmental conditions, there is really no need for “Heating (or simply “H”) in the traditional Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) terminology.  Consequently, the term Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) is used in the local industry.

Ventilation studies in nine air conditioned office buildings in Singapore.

One of the significant factors affecting the quality of air in the built environment, particularly in the context of hot humid climates, is the design and implementation of the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation system. While most building regulations would incorporate minimum ventilation requirements al design, it is often difficult to quantitatively measure the adequacy of such ventilation provision in insitu buildings.