Quantitative relationships between classroom CO2 concentration and learning in elementary schools

The data from published studies were used to build relationships between learning outcomes and air quality in classrooms. Psychological tests measuring cognitive abilities and skills, school tasks including mathematical and language-based tasks, ratings schemes and tests used to assess progress in learning including end-of-year grades and exam scores were considered to represent learning outcomes. Indoor air quality was characterized by concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2). Short-term sick leave was included as well because it can influence learning.

Air Exchange Rates in the Elementary Schools in Southern Japan

The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of ventilation rates and indoor air quality vary in elementary schools in southern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out as intermittent monitoring from summer to winter. The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and the air exchange rates were measured in four classrooms in Kagoshima City. The measurements also included carbon dioxide (CO2) in a selected classroom with occupancy of the pupils.