How a harm budget can be used to regulate Indoor Air Quality in Dwellings

This work quantifies the chronic harm caused by long-term exposure to common indoor air contaminants in dwellings located in the global north. Two methods are used to compute DALYs. The first uses incidence data and the second considers toxicological evidence. They are synthesised to produce Harm Intensities, the number of DALYs per person per unit of annual-average concentration the person is exposed to.

Ventilation Effectiveness of Alternating Façade-integrated Ventilation Devices in a Dwelling

Ventilation systems are designed based on the air flow volume required to ventilate the room, the same applies to façade-integrated ventilation devices operating in alternating mode, also referred to as push-pull devices. Those rather small devices represent a simple way to provide fresh air and air-to- air heat recovery for residential dwellings. The present research aims to analyse the ventilation effectiveness of push-pull devices experimentally. Hence, a tracer gas analysis is performed in a residential building.

An intervention study of PM2.5 concentrations measured in domestic kitchens

Exposures to elevated concentrations of fine particulate matter with diameter ≤2.5µm (PM2.5) are linked to multiple acute and chronic health effects, including increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. As people spend up to 70% in their own homes, exposures to pollutants indoors could have a greater impact on health than exposure outdoors. Cooking is a primary emission source of PM2.5 in dwellings, and is of interest as it is an activity conducted several times a day in most households.

The relationship between permeability and infiltration in conjoined dwellings

The importance of adventitious air leakage under normal operational conditions and its reduction in order to save energy is highlighted by the relvant building standards of many countries. This operational leakage is often inferred via the measurement of air permeability, a physical property of a building that indicates the resistance of its fabric to airflow. A building’s permeability is the measure of airflow rate through its envelope at a constant pressure differential of 50 Pascals.

Effect of Party Wall Permeability on Estimations of Infiltration from Air Leakage

The importance of reducing adventitious infiltration in order to save energy is highlighted by the relevant building standards of many countries.  This operational infiltration is often inferred via the measurement of the air leakage rate at a pressure differential of 50 Pascals.  Some building codes, such as the UK’s Standard Assessment Procedure, assume a simple relationship between the air leakage rate and mean infiltration rate during the heating season, the so-called leakage-infiltration ratio, which is scaled to account for the physical and environmental properties of a dwelling.  The