Indoor climate problems in a kindergarten, and how they were solved

An account is given of what the kindergarten staff wrongly believed caused the problems and what measures they carried out in an attempt to solve them. On the spot measurements showed however what the real main cause of the problems was. Results from the comprehensive measurements of CO2 concentrations andother ventilation performance criteria in a room occupied by 12 children and 3adults are then presented.

Energy consumption in industrial buildings during shut-down periods. Seisokkiajan energiankulutus teollisuushalleissa.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, a consulting firm performed an investigation of the possible energy savings in industrial halls outside working hours. The ventilation should be closed during shut-down periods, and air change through natural draught cut down to a minimum. The ventilation by leakage of an industrial building may be estimated at 0.1-0.5 air changes per hour, therefore the tightness of the constructions is imperative. The decrease of the temperature in industrial halls during non-working hours is imperative.

Improvement of existing windows

Reports measurements made on windows in old blocks of flats in Sweden. Measurements were taken of air-leakage through 21 windows under different air pressures before and after the renewal of draught excluders between window frame and casement. Concludes that draught proofing of old windows is extremely effective. Heat flow through 18 double-glazed windows is also measured and two systems of converting double to triple glazing are studied. Conversion was found to improve u values by approximately 35%.
