Procedures were developed and tested to conduct a quick and reliable evaluation of weatherization program energy savings using heating system nm-time loggers. This project performed: (1) a statistical analysis to determine the measurements and assessment constraints on short-term nm-time monitoring, and (2) a field test of the data collection procedures with three weatherization providers.
Residential new construction and renovation programs, home energy rating systems programs and energy efficient mortgage instruments are some of the many ways that local energy utilities and other state or federal agencies attempt to increase the supply and demand of energy efficient housing.
A detailed evaluation methodology, originally developed for PG&E's Act2 Project, was used to design cost-effective packages of energy efficiency measures (EEM's) for two residential sites in the Coachella Valley desert region of Southern California Design of the packages was based on "mature market" cost assumptions, which assume that the EEM has achieved volume production and widespread application in the marketplace. EEM packages were installed at the two sites (one new construction and one retrofit) and monitored for nine months during 1995.