Development of contamination testing protocol for ventilation system components

In time, ventilation ducts and accessories get dirty and this may lead to malfunction of ventilationequipment, fire hazard and especially a decrease in supply air quality. Repeated cleaningof the components can prevent these adverse effects. The frequency of cleaning dependson how easily different components get dirty.

Methods and methodological tools for the elaboration of natural ventilation strategy

The efficacy of a natural ventilation strategy is essentially conditioned by the sizing ofcomponents on which the airflow control depends. The indoor environment conditioning issubmitted to strict regulation. The implementation of the natural ventilation strategy is relatedto the building layout; therefore, the devices sizing is important for the architect. On the basisof the loop equation proposed by James Axley, we developed a simple sizing tool.

Energy saving opportunities in residential air-handler efficiency

This paper demonstrates the technical considerations that are important to understanding the energy-saving potential of encouraging the use of brushless direct current (BDC) motors in residential air handlers. Energy savings estimates are provided, and the regulations that are already in place are explained. Some misperceptions about the testing and operation of residential furnaces and air conditioners are also covered. Using one set of parameters that assume typical cyclic

Parametric Analysis of Air Flow Through Ventilators

The basic mechanism for natural ventilation in a building involves air flowing through purpose-made ventilator openings. These ventilators must be carefully designed as natural ventilation driving forces are weak compared to the dynamic forces created by mechanical systems. This paper describes a series of experimental parametric studies that investigated how components within a ventilator (in this case louvers and wire mesh screens) interacted. Air flow measurements through the individual louver and mesh components were compared to the air flow through mesh / louver combinations.

Measurements of ventilation rates in houses with natural and mechanical ventilation systems

Describes measurements made to compare ventilation rates in six Belgian houses with both natural and mechanical ventilation systems using O2 and N2O as tracer gases. Ventilation rates were correlated with wind speed. Air leakage across individual components of the house was measured and from this the distribution of leakage areas calculated.