Efficient work environment ventilation.

A breakthrough in ventilation research was made once it was realized that ventilation principles based on mixed flow patterns are not optimal and that further energy savings can be achieved if an alternative technique could be developed. Several researchers, particularly in the Nordic countries, have shown by theoretical studies that replacing mixed ventilation flow by displacement flow increases ventilation efficiency. This also results in decreased air supply volumes and thus decreased energy requirements. In addition, lower air velocities may reduce problems of comfort and noise.

A storm building up - low energy housing in the Orkney Islands.

Describes the Orkney Housing Association (OHA) Low Energy Housing Pilot Project, which demonstrates that it is possible to construct airtight buildings in the UK with minimal additional expenditure. This involved careful planning, the incorpora

The Southampton survey on asthma and ventilation: humidity measurements during winter.

As part of a collaborative trial on the effects of ventilation on house dust mites and asthma, 20 mechanical ventilation units were installed in houses in the Southampton area in southern England. The hypothesis is that continuous ventilation over winter months can maintain humidity below a mixing ratio of 7 g/kg, with a consequent reduction in house dust mite numbers. The systems served upstairs only, extracting from bathroom and landing and supplying fresh air to bedrooms.

Performance of natural ventilation in dwellings. A longitudinal computational simulation study.

The paper presents the results of a simulation study performed by means of the COMIS multizone infiltration and ventilation model. The simulations were carried out for a two-storey single-family passive-stack-ventilated house in a cold climate (Stockholm, Sweden). Main conclusions of the study include the following: it is possible - during at least 75 % of the heating season - to achieve a ventilation rate in the whole house of at least 0.5 ach or approx. 30 l/s only if the house has a leakage rate above approx.
