Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Measurement of Building Infiltration, and its correlation with Airtightness

The air infiltration of a building, which fundamentally depends on its airtightness, can be a significant contributor to its heat loss.  It can also be affected by other factors such as external terrain, leakage distribution, sheltering factor and environmental conditions. The infiltration rate of a detached UK house was monitored for 2 months in early 2018 using constant concentration and decay tracer gas methods under various temperature and wind conditions.

Multiple Flow Regimes in Stack Ventilation of Multi-Storey Atrium Buildings

Passive stack ventilation is a key feature of sustainable building design and has particular potential for use in tall, multi-storey buildings. However, natural ventilation flows through multiply connected spaces may not behave as expected. Recirculation of air through occupied parts of the building and bidirectional exchange flows at ventilation outlets may compromise the intended ventilation scheme resulting in an uncomfortable indoor environment.

Large Eddy Simulation of Buoyancy-Driven Natural Ventilation – Twin-Plume Flow

This paper presents results of a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in which two unequal heat sources are used to drive the flow. The aim of this work was to assess the performance of LES in modelling turbulent thermal plumes in a naturally ventilated enclosure and to analyse their interaction with each other. The sub-grid scales of the flow have been resolved by using the Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model. It was found that LES results for the interface height agree well with the theoretical predictions of Linden and Kaye (2006).

Natural Personalised Ventilation - A Novel Approach

The need to protect susceptible patients from cross-infection resulting from airborne pathogens is essential in hospitals, especially when patient immunity is either suppressed due to medical procedures or compromised by ailment. Personalised ventilation (PV) is a method of creating a local zone of high air quality around such patients. However, contemporary PV techniques are based on mechanical ventilation, which adds to the energy burden of healthcare buildings. In single-bed wards, a potential source of infection could be other occupants such as visitors and healthcare workers.

Buoyancy Driven Natural Ventilation through Horizontal Openings

An experimental study of the phenomenon of buoyancy driven natural ventilation through single-sided horizontal openings was performed in a full-scale laboratory test rig. The measurements were made for opening ratios L/D ranging from 0.027 to 4.455, where L and D are the length of the opening and the diameter of the opening, respectively. The basic nature of airflow through single-sided openings, including airflow rate, air velocity, temperature difference between the rooms and the dimensions of the horizontal openings, were measured.

A hybrid displacement mixing ventilation regime in a naturally ventilated room.

The evolution of the temperature profile in a warm room driven by a natural ventilation flow which develops when the room is connected to a cold exterior by two openings at different vertical heights is explored. With the openings at the top and base of the room, we find the classical displacement ventilation regime provides a leading order description of the flow. With openings at the centre and top of the room, the ventilation is hybrid, with the lower part of the room being well-mixed, and the upper part being stratified by an upward displacement ventilation flow.

The discharge coefficient - experimental measurement of a dependence on density contrast.

At sufficiently high Reynolds numbers, the discharge coefficient Cd associated with a sharplycontracting flow through a square-edged opening is, in general, taken to be constant.