Final report ASHRAE Research Project 438-RP/ Evaluation of the techniques for the measurement of air leakage of building components.

Knowledge of the amount of air leaking into a building through the various building components is important for a wide variety of reasons. Initially the interest in these values was so that estimates could be made on the amount of energy to be added or removed to heat or cool air that was infiltrating into the structure. Selection of new and replacement building materials was done partially on the amount of energy costs that would be saved by the selection of that component.

The PASSYS method for testing passive solar components.


Thermal coupling of leakage air flows and heating load in building components and buildings.

Simulation models basing on 2-dimensional finite-difference approach were developed for the steady-state and dynamic analyses of the thermal coupling of leakage airflows and building components. The considered types of leakage flows were crack flow and filtration through porous materials.

Review of air infiltration research in Finland.

In Finland, there are three main topics in the field of air infiltration research: * simulation and measurement of air-leakage rates in building components and in buildings as a whole * airtightness and indoor air quality (thermal comfort) * thermal effects of air flow in building components. Goes on todiscuss aspects of air infiltration research in Finland.
