Particle deposition near ceiling induction outlets

The particle deposition on ceilings causing the soiling of induction outlets is mainly caused by the features of mixed ventilation.This paper offers a solution to the problem. The search for a clean outlet is made easier with the proposed optical and experimental technique that suggest to visualize the soiling patterns of an outlet by photographing deposited sodium chloride crystals. These tracer-particles stem from an atomizer and aerodynamically behave like the particles responsible for the soiling of ceilings in reality.

Contribution à la qualification des systèmes de ventilation des bâtiments : intégration d'éléments perturbants

This thesis was based on numerous experiments operated in a full-size cell in order to study ventilation efficiency and thermal comfort associated with several positions of air inlet and outlet, taking into account different sources of disturbance (heating systems, occupants, etc.).

Air distribution in industrial halls.


Assessing intake contamination from atmospheric dispersion of building exhaust.

The possibility of unacceptable internal air pollution levels can cause concern at the design stage given the potential for cross contamination between building exhausts and ventilation intakes is there. The complexity of airflows around buildings, however, makes it extremely difficult to predict the contamination levels at the intake locations. This paper reports a wind tunnel technique using a model of a proposed building to determine the pollutant levels expected at various inlet locations due to the re-ingestion of noxious emissions from its two stacks.

Numerical simulation of room-airflow with inclined outlet.