Predicting volatile organic compounds concentration in residential buildings (Part 1 : building of model)

This paper presents a universal but simple mathematic model very useful to predict Volatile Organic Concentration in the bulk air for different conditions in residential buildings.

Measurements and simulation of the indoor air quality impact of gaseous air cleaners in a test house

The performance of two gaseous air cleaners in a single test room was measured for toluene. The effectiveness is between 82 and 94%. Numerical simulations were performed with CONTAMW software to predict indoor air quality. The comparison with experimental results is good.

Studies of an electrostatic air cleaning system.

The influence of the electrostatic forces on airborne particles have been known for centuries. These early discoveries have been summarized in several publications including the classical book "Electrostatic Precipitation" by White (1) and many others (e.g. 2, 3, 4). The utilization of the electrostatic force led to the development of electrostatic precipitator (ESP) which has been used for pollution control purposes since the beginning of this century. An excellent historical review about the development of electrostatic gas cleaning has been presented by White (1).

Assessment of the effect of air filtration and ventilation on reduction of exposure to submicrometer particles indoors.

The provision of a healthy and satisfactorily clean indoor environment requires that consideration be given to a range of issues, such as the type of indoor environment, indoor and outdoor sources, indoor activity and others. The selection of relevant measures to achieve the required indoor air quality (IAQ) depends on knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms and parameters affecting the concentration levels indoors.

Potty idea.

A simulated test for cleaning efficiency of two kinds of indoor air cleaners.

Indoor air quality is decreasing year by year. It is very necessary to find a kind of efficient cleaner to improve the indoor air quality. Two kinds of cleaners were tested. Both of them were made in China. Four simulated chambers were used. The research was performed with monitoring and toxicological tests. The results showed the cleaner A absorbed and filtered smoke very fast. But CO and CH2O could not have been absorbed and filtered. Cleaner B either could absorb smoke or could exchange air with outdoor air. The cleaning efficiency of cleaner B is better than that of cleaner B.

A method for measuring air cleaner effectiveness.

Air cleaners are unitary devices that contain filtration media and fans. They are marketed for cleaning air in rooms. There is no current method for measuring the effectiveness of these devices in rooms of the size where they are typically installed. The proposed method provides engineers and manufacturers with a tool for evaluating and predicting applied air cleaner performance. Test results provide the effective ventilation rate of the device. This rate can be stated in terms of the whole room average, or for specific regions of concern, such as work areas, within the room.

Assessing the performance of room air cleaners using a room environmental chamber.

Models are presented for describing the performance of room air cleaners in removing pollutants from indoor air, particularly the levels of removal that can be achieved in practice. Controlled levels of pollutant were generated in a room environmental chamber, and the performance of a commercial room air cleaner was assessed according to the models. The room environmental chamber was operated in static (sealed) or dynamic (ventilated) modes.

Absorbability of contaminants from room air by snow cooling system.

Snow has already been used effectively as a cold energy resource in some heavy snowfall areasin Japan. As the surface of snow is covered with cold melting water when snow is used as a coldenergy resource, we can expect gas absorption on the surface. By this mechanism of the gasabsorption, some airborne contaminants such as dust or harmful gases can be removed by themelting snow surface.
