Airflow Pattern And Performance Analysis of Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation in An Office Room using CFD Study

Diffuse ceiling ventilation uses perforations in the suspended ceiling to deliver air into the occupied zone. Due to the complex geometry of the diffuser, it is not possible to build an exact geometrical model in CFD simulation. Two numerical models are proposed in this study, one is a simplified geometrical model and the other is a porous media model. The numerical models are validated by the full-scale experimental studies in a climate chamber.

Coupling strategies for combined simulation using multizone and building envelope models

Combined heat, air, moisture and pollutant simulations (CHAMPS) at the building system level are essential for improving energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality. This paper discusses the technical challenges and possible solutions to the problem of coupling an envelope model (CHAMSBES) with a multizone/network model for inter-zonal air and pollutant transport. A representative multizone solver was written, which solves the coupled heat, air, moisture and pollutant transport equations.

Full Scale Test Method for Gas Contaminant Removal Device

Activated carbon filters have been used forpurification of air and water in industrialapplications. However these technologies have notbeen applied to the non-industrial builtenvironment in general and there is no standard toquantify or to classify the performance of thesesystems for in-duct mechanical systemapplication.