Outcomes of the Lund workshop

Around 55 participants from 16 countries attended the international workshop on “Ventilation and Airtightness in Buildings: Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance” which was held in Lund, Sweden on March 16-17, 2015, with AIVC as co-organiser. 

A summary of the workshop and the pdfs of the presentations are freely available on the QUALICHeCK website.


QUALICHeCK Workshop 16-17 March Lund, Sweden. Evaluation report is now available

The evaluation questionnaire of the QUALICHeCK workshop “Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance”, 16-17 March 2015, Workshop in Lund, Sweden, was sent out to 55 attendees of the event. The summary of the main outcomes was the result of the feedback from 28 of the participants who filled in the evaluation form. It is now available to download here.  


16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund, Sweden

The international workshop on “Ventilation and Airtightness in Buildings : Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance” will be held in Lund, Sweden on March 16-17, 2015. One topic of specific attention will be schemes implemented in various countries to reduce errors in ventilation and airtightness input data used in energy performance certificates and to improve the quality of the works. Discussions will be based on analyses of lessons learnt from field data.


16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund –Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance of ventilation and airtightness

Although ventilation and airtightness are covered in most countries by various regulations focussed on energy performance and/or indoor air quality, the effectiveness of these regulations is often called into question. A number of studies have shown significant deviations between assumed and actual characteristics of the building or equipment, possibly resulting in non-compliance to the regulation and/or degraded performance.


21-23 September 1981, Conference, Stockholm - 2nd AIVC Conference

The 2nd AIVC Conference - Building design for minimum air infiltration, was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 1981. 


17-20 September 1996, Conference, Gothenburg - 17th AIVC Conference

The 17th AIVC Conference - Optimum Ventilation and Air Flow Control in Buildings, was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, 17-20 September 1996.


Chalmers University of Technology
