Christophe Adam, Philippe Andre
Bibliographic info:
BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands, p. 47-54

Within the framework of energy  management in a tertiary building, it is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of cold energy storage. This study includes the consideration of ice storage for the air- conditioning of the buildings. To compare objectively the operating strategies, the manager needs to reproduce the ISS performances for the same conditions (building, cooling and electrical demands, climate conditions,...). He needs also informations to chose the appropriate plant configuration or operating strategy to meet the global cooling demand taking into account the characteristics of the tank, of the demand curve,... at each moment. A simulation model of an entire HVAC primary plant should provide this information. This paper focuses on the adaptation of a latent storage model to an example of ISS. In order to validate the model the results of the simulation are compared to the performances of a small-size.