Building and ductwork airtightness in China

The AIVC is happy to announce the release of a new publication!

This paper is part of the new VIP series being developed and dealing with trends in building and ductwork airtightness in various countries.

Previously released papers include:


venticool newsletter issue #22 – June 2023

The 22nd issue of the venticool newsletter is now available! Specific contents include:


TightVent newsletter issue #24 – June 2023

The 24th issue (June 2023) of the TightVent newsletter is now available! Specific contents include: 


ASHRAE Completes Draft of First-Ever Pathogen Mitigation Standard

On May 15th, 2023 ASHRAE announced the completion of the first draft of its standard for maintaining healthy indoor air quality (IAQ), with final approval expected in June and publishing anticipated in July.


Feedback from the AIVC Workshop “Towards high quality, low-carbon ventilation in airtight buildings”

We are happy to inform you that the recordings and slides of the AIVC 2023 workshop “Towards high quality, low-carbon ventilation in airtight buildings” held in Tokyo, Japan on May 18-19 2023 are now available online here.

Check them out and subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive our latest video updates!


Indoor Environments Show Episode 19: Air cleaners with guest Pawel Wargocki

This is a new monthly 60-minute program from ISIAQ/IEQ-GA that is being produced by Healthy Indoors®/IAQNET LLC.
The show is co-hosted by Healthy Indoors’ Founder & Publisher, Bob Krell, and current IEQ-GA President, Donald Weekes. They have real-world experience in a variety of subjects pertaining to the indoor environment, and they are adept at stewarding the conversation to make it both informative and enjoyable.


Upcoming AIVC/TightVent webinar: "Alternative methodologies to evaluate airtightness"

The AIVC is inviting you to register for the upcoming webinar "Alternative methodologies to evaluate airtightness" to be held on June 19th, 2023 (10:00 - 11:30 CET). Participation is free for all, but prior registration is required.

For further information on the detailed agenda, registration etc. please follow this link.


Feedback from the AIVC Webinar: "Building & ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in CZ, LV & ES"

The recordings and the slides of the AIVC & TightVent Webinar: "Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Spain" are now available online here.

The full collection of past events’ recordings and slides can be found here.


Feedback from the AIVC Webinar: "Building & ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in FR, BE & GR"

The recordings and the slides of the AIVC & TightVent Webinar: "Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in France, Belgium and Greece" are now available online here.

The full collection of past events’ recordings and slides can be found here.


Building and ductwork airtightness in Greece

The AIVC is happy to announce the release of a new publications!

This paper is part of the new VIP series being developed and dealing with trends in building and ductwork airtightness in various countries.

Previously released papers include:

