Using a solar air heater to ventilate classrooms during the winter season in New Zealand: a potential alternative solution to assist during COVID 19 outbreaks

Ninety per cent of New Zealand classrooms are naturally ventilated by opening windows. Achieving a suitable ventilation level will rely on teachers. A survey showed that less than half of the teachers opened windows during teaching time. Due to the high occupant density in classrooms and a low natural ventilation rate, it is challenging to provide adequate ventilation during the southern hemisphere winter months (June to September). From 9 am to 3 pm, school hours align well with the optimum solar radiation, providing opportunities for solar ventilation.

Performance and Costs of Air Sealing and Ventilation Measures for Home Decarbonization in the US

In order to get to scale and rapidly decarbonize the energy use of homes, we need information on the performance and costs of potential home upgrade measures. The costs for different performance levels are vital for energy savings and decarbonization program planning and to focus R&D activities on measures that could achieve significant cost reductions. This study obtained data from over 1,700 projects that aimed to achieve advanced levels of energy use and related carbon emissions reductions.

Integration of Domestic Ventilation Systems with Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Ventilation Technology

The use of natural ventilation components as an enhancement for the ventilation systems has become more desirable in the building sector. The natural ventilation systems play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint from space heating and cooling through applications of low carbon technology and heat recovery unit. Low carbon technologies such as windcatchers and turbine ventilators are commonly used in commercial, educational, and industrial buildings for providing thermal comfort within a building and minimising carbon emissions.

Using trickle ventilators coupled to fan extractors to achieve a suitable airflow rate in an Australian apartment: a CFD modelling approach

The level of airtightness is increasing in newly built Australian apartments. An appropriate ventilation rate is needed to provide occupants with a healthy environment. In 2022, a significant proposed change in the Australian National Construction Code (NCC) would require building tested as achieving less than five air changes per hour at 50Pa to have a continuous flow exhaust.

Advanced Optimal Control of Indoor Environmental Devices for Indoor Air Quality Using Reinforcement Learning

This study aims to develop and evaluate an advanced control method for acceptable indoor air quality (e.g., particulate matter and CO2) with low energy consumption in a residential space. A ventilation system, an air purifier, and a kitchen hood system are installed in the testbed to maintain a healthy IAQ. To accomplish the objective, we use a double deep Q-network (DDQN) which is one of the reinforcement learning. This study utilizes a co-simulation platform with EnergyPlus and Python.

Testing positive pressurization technique against radon indoor accumulation

Radon is one of the common contaminants inside buildings, with maximum presence in high potential areas classified as radon prone areas. This radioactive gas, which comes from the spontaneous disintegration of radium present in the earth's crust, can penetrate buildings and accumulate inside them. The spaces closest to the ground (basement and first floors) are the most affected. Its inhalation in high doses is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Several techniques are commonly used to mitigate its presence.

Indoor Temperature and CO2 in Educational Buildings during a Pandemic Winter in Spain

Schools had covered special attention in the last year, due to their importance to organize daily work as well as since most of the children were still not vaccinated. Under this circumstance, the importance of air renewal to reduce the probability of COVID-19 contagion inside buildings was highlighted. 

Effectiveness of personalized ventilation in reducing airborne infection risk for long-term care facilities

Throughout history, the human population has experienced major outbreaks of infectious diseases. In December 2019 the previously unknown SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged, which had a huge impact globally. Residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) showed to be highly susceptible to infection due to their frailty. Respiratory infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, can spread among others via the airborne transmission route. This is caused by sharing the same indoor environment.

Sensitivity analysis of inhabitant behaviour on the performance of ventilation systems

In this study, a sensitivity analysis on the effects of inhabitant behaviour on the performance of ventilation systems is carried out. Inhabitants behave differently in terms of presence at home, window opening, door opening, etc. Relating to the ventilation system, this is reflected in the ventilation demand and consequently the energy consumption, but also in the indoor air quality. Therefore, care should be taken to compare ventilation systems to each other as the inhabitants can be the most determining factor for the performance.

Improving Design, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance in New Residential Ventilation Systems

Single-family and low-rise multifamily homes in the United States have become tighter to save energy and enhance comfort. To ensure acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ), mechanical ventilation is also required. As these systems become commonplace in the U.S., various improvements and updates have been made to codes, standards, and voluntary programs such as ASHRAE Standard 62.2, International Mechanical Code, International Residential Code, USEPA Energy Star Home and Indoor Air Plus, and USDOE Zero Energy Ready Homes. 
