Performance comparison of different ventilation strategies in elderly care homes in Belgium

Elderly people residing in nursing homes spend a vast majority of their times indoors and often in common recreation areas, to allow for socialization and interaction. Elderly people are a vulnerable age group. Hence, it is essential to provide them with good breathable air quality during these common activities and reduce cross contamination through ventilation. Prolonged exposures of elderly to contaminants may adversely affect their health, quality of life and increase medical expenditures due to frequent hospitalizations.

Energy Implications of Increased Ventilation in Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Airborne Pathogen Transmission

One proposed mitigation to reduce transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and other airborne pathogens is to increase ventilation in buildings. This measure can be difficult to implement in existing buildings and has the potential environmental costs of increased energy consumption to condition the additional airflow, as well as other potential costs such as the disposal of existing serviceable mechanical equipment and the manufacture and delivery of new equipment.

An evaluation of CO2 emission rates by Chilean school children

The predicted and measured carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by human respiration into an occupied space has been used as an indicator for controlling buildings' ventilation rates. However, this application assumes a constant emission rate for the entire population. Conversely, new knowledge has shown that this variable depends on the number of people in the room and their sex, diet, height, and above all, body mass and metabolic rate.

Urban context and climate change impact on the thermal performance and ventilation of residential buildings: a case-study in Athens

Urban settings and climate change both impact energy use, thermal comfort and ventilation of buildings. This is more noticeable in hot urban areas where the urban heat island effect is more pronounced; also, in densely built urban areas where thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings is affected by changes in natural ventilation rates because of surrounding obstructions. In some cases, overshadowing might alleviate the impact.

Gas phase air cleaning effects on ventilation energy use and indicators for energy performance

Gas-phase air cleaners can be used to either reduce occupant dissatisfaction for the same outdoor air flow rate or to reduce the outdoor air flow rate for the same resulting occupant satisfaction based on its clean air delivery rate (CADR). The latter lowers the required ventilation rate for the same indoor air quality and can thus lead to a reduction in energy use for preheating/cooling and from transporting the outside air. However, there is no current method or metric for determining the energy benefit of installing a portable air cleaner.

Dallying with DALYs: Why acceptable IAQ should consider harm

The ASHRAE Standard Project Committee on Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings (62.2) has proposed an addendum to the standard that adds a harm-based Indoor Air Quality procedure as an alternative compliance method. The IAQ Procedure only considers 3 contaminants and only the sum of the harm from those three contaminants needs to be limited. This was determined by completing four stages of research.

What we know about smart ventilation

The buildings ‘sector is facing multiple challenges due to the need to generalize a sober approach and to reduce its energy consumption, its CO2 emissions and its impact on climate change, to reduce its environmental impact and its carbon footprint, to reduce the burden of disease due to exposure to unhealthy indoor environments and to adapt and be resilient in the face of climate change and environmental changes such as the increase in pandemics, the urban heat island and outdoor pollution.

Upcoming webinar: "New standards, guidelines or regulations for ventilation due to COVID-19"

The AIVC is inviting you to register for the upcoming webinar "New standards, guidelines or regulations for ventilation due to COVID-19" to be held on February 12th, 2024 (15:00 - 16:30 CET). Participation is free for all, but prior registration is required.

For further information on the detailed agenda, registration etc. please follow this link.


12 February 2024, Webinar – New standards, guidelines or regulations for ventilation due to COVID-19

There have worldwide been many activities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic to develop guidelines, standards, or new regulations to decrease the risk of cross contamination in the indoor environment. Especially after it had been documented that ventilation plays a significant role in decreasing spreading, several organizations working with ventilation and the indoor environment have been active in leading research and distributing information. The present webinar includes presentations of new guidelines, standards, or regulations from North America, Europe and Asia.


Submit your abstracts for the AIVC 2024 Conference, Dublin

We are pleased to announce that the AIVC 2024 Conference “Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality" is now accepting abstracts & proposals for topical sessions. The Conference will be held on October 9-10, 2024, at Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. It will be a joint event combined with the 12th TightVent and the 10th venticool conferences.

