Indoor Environmental Quality

Improving or ensuring an acceptable indoor environmental quality (thermal, visual, acoustical comfort and indoor air quality) and preserving occupants’ health and well-being while taking measures to reduce buildings’ energy use is a key driver in both new and existing buildings.

AIVC is working on IAQ metrics and is actively involved in the Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA)-, of which it is one of the founding members.

Smart Ventilation

The need for appropriate, energy efficient, ventilation systems  is continuing to grow in line with the increased focus on health and well-being, and greenhouse gas emission reduction. The use of smart ventilation systems facilitates the minimization of energy consumption, allows for the improvement of Indoor Air Quality and provides flexibility to electricity grid operation.

Click on the related contents below to know more about AIVC’s activities on the field.

Resilient Ventilative Cooling

Overheating is an issue of concern in many countries, in general and in particular in new buildings. With continued climate change, the probability of overheating will increase. Increased ventilation rates, in combination with solar control and other passive measures, can play an important role in reducing high internal temperatures.

Building & Ductwork airtightness

Building airtightness requires a continued attention both in existing and new buildings. Good building airtightness contributes to energy use reduction in most climates and, in combination with ventilation systems, better control of IAQ.  The expression already from the 1980s, i.e.