TN 32: Reporting guidelines for the measurement of airflows and related factors in buildings

One of the aims of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre is to encourage the collection and dissemination of air infiltration and airflow data as well as energy use data arising from programmes of research and experimental investigation. This task can be made much easier and more effective if the relevant test information and results are presented in a comprehensive and uniform manner.

TN 28.2 : A Guide to Contaminant Removal Effectiveness

The main objective of this report was to provide an introduction to the subject of contaminant removal effectiveness. Existing literature in this subject area is limited, and tends to be very difficult for a newcomer to understand. In recent years, a number of parameters have been defined in order to quantify contaminant removal effectiveness, but not all authors have used the same names or symbols for similar parameters, or derived them in the same way.

TN 28: A Guide to Air Change Efficiency

The main objective of this report was to provide a concise introduction into the subject of air change efficiency. Existing literature in this subject area is extensive, but it tends to be very detailed and is difficult for a newcomer to understand. Different authors also use different symbols and/or different definitions for the same concepts, which tends to confuse the reader. Little has been produced covering the basic ideas and concepts behind some of the terms used.

TN 27: Infiltration and Leakage Paths In Single Family Houses - A Multizone Infiltration Case Study

This document describes preliminary work towards validating models that predict airflow rates between several zones. It is preliminary in the sense that it examines the quality and definition of physical data needed for a more testing and thorough validation. The exercise has used a version of the multi-zone computer model developed by Walton at the National Bureau of Standards with some modifications to the treatment of wind pressure coefficients.

TN 26: Minimum Ventilation Rates and Measures for Controlling Indoor Air Quality IEA Annex IX

From a viewpoint of energy conservation air infiltration and ventilation have to be minimised. A certain amount of fresh outside air, however, has to be supplied to a building in order to maintain healthy and comfortable conditions for the inhabitants and to avoid structural damage. The optimisation of these adverse requirements will result in guidelines for minimum ventilation rates which are just large enough to meet the indispensable fresh air demand but small enough to avoid useless waste of energy.

TN 25: A subject analysis of the AIVC's bibliographic database - AIRBASE (6th edition)

This report presents a subject analysis of the entire database and is intended as a reference manual for users wishing to obtain information on a particular topic. 

TN 24: AIVC Measurement Techniques Workshop Proceedings and Bibliography

Workshop held at Køge, Denmark in March 1988.

TN 23: Inhabitant Behaviour with Respect to Ventilation - A Summary Report of IEA Annex VIII

This forms a summary of the IEA ECBCS Annex VIII study into the behaviour of occupants with regard to ventilation. It assesses the extent to which the actions of occupants can be modified in order to minimise energy use yet maintain adequate indoor air quality. Chapters cover observational techniques, energy loss due to window opening, reasons for window opening and the resultant energy savings from modified use of windows.
