BUILD UP Webinar video recordings | Ventilative cooling - Keep cool and lower peak energy demand

Ventilative cooling is the use of natural or mechanical ventilation strategies to cool indoor spaces. It can significantly reduce the cooling energy demand in summer or mid-season conditions. Therefore, ventilative cooling is increasingly common in NZEBs.

This BUILD UP Web Seminar addressed the following:


Annex 62 “Ventilative cooling” met in Lausanne

After its successful preparation phase, the IEA EBC Annex 62 entered in January 2014 its four year working phase (2014-2017). The first meeting of the working phase was held in Lausanne, Switzerland, with 32 representatives from research institutes and private industries from 15 countries.


June 6, 2014 | BUILD UP webinar on ventilative cooling!

Ventilative cooling is the use of natural or mechanical ventilation strategies to cool indoor spaces. It can significantly reduce the cooling energy demand in summer or mid-season conditions. Therefore, ventilative cooling is increasingly common in NZEBs.

This BUILD UP Web Seminar will address the following:


IEA EBC Annex 62- Ventilative Cooling- 1st Expert Meeting!

The 1st Expert meeting of the IEA EBC Annex 62- Ventilative Cooling will be held from Wednesday April 23 to Thursday April 24, 2014 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

IEA EBC Annex 62 has now entered the working phase with as first focus the preparation of the first Annex deliverable, the State of the Art report. At the 1st expert meeting, the first draft will be discussed with the intention to have the final version ready before the second expert meeting in September 2014. In parallel,  research work on the subtasks according to the work plan will be initiated.


AIVC Newsletter, Issue 05, January 2014

AIVC aims to play a central role in the ventilation and infiltration community with respect to the dissemination of information, either with its conferences or workshops, or with the material available on its website.  The annual conferences continue to be greatly appreciated: 96 % of a sample of 76 conference attendees rated the 34th conference as excellent or satisfactory, 91% would recommend it to others. As you will see in this newsletter, we are working to uphold this quality for our future events.


March 18-19, 2014: AIVC workshop on Quality of Methods for Measuring Ventilation and Air Infiltration in Buildings

There is a trend to perform more ventilation and air infiltration measurements in buildings, either to strengthen commissioning procedures or to learn from field data. This trend is stronger in nearly zero-energy buildings projects or programmes given the significant share of ventilation and infiltration losses on total building energy use.


2012-2013 webinars on building and ductwork airtightness!

An overview of the TightVent - AIVC webinars held in 2012-2013 on building and ductwork airtightness is now available for download here.


International conference on fan noise, technology & numerical methods

The design of fans has evolved to meet the ever-increasing demands for higher efficiency machines, combined with the requirements for lower noise and high availability. In addition many fans are now being used in safety related applications, such as smoke control in buildings and underground spaces in the event of a fire. Variable speed is now more common, leading to some additional design problems and many existing users are revisiting their plant looking at ways to upgrade the fans.


New JRC Report

The just published by JRC report on 'Harmonisation framework for health-based evaluation of indoor emissions from construction products in the European Union based on the Lowest Concentration of Interest approach (EU-LCI)' (ECA report 29) is now available here!



New publication!

The edited proceedings of the AIVC -TightVent International Workshop: "Securing the quality of ventilation systems in residential buildings: existing approaches in various countries" held in Brussels, 18-19 March, 2013 are now available for download. Click here to download the document!

