Indoor air pollution.

Indoor concentrations of pollutants often equal or exceed outdoor concentrations, and since most people spend 90% of their time indoors this constitutes a health threat much greater than that posed by outdoor pollution, which has received most of the attention in the U.S.A. The problem has been made worse by energy conservation measures which reduce ventilation. Thisarticle reviews recent research findings and their implications for pollution control programmes, and considers the further research that is needed.

Moisture interactions in light frame housing: A review.

Notes that altering interior moisture content of a building can influence both energy use and other performance characteristics. Gives an assessment of the moisture interaction as related to health and comfort of the occupants, fire safety, durability and maintainability and design and construction of light-frame housing. Reviews published recommendations.

Air infiltration: A review of some existing measurement techniques and data.

Reviews the state of the art in the measurement of ventilation and air infiltration. Considers tracer gas techniques and discusses some of the tracer gases used as well as some of the potential sources of error. Also discusses fan pressurization-evacuation procedures for measuring building tightness and compares fan and tracer measurements. Discusses the ASHRAE crack method.
