Carbon dioxide concentrations and minimum air change rates in a high-rise office building.

The carbon dioxide concentration patterns in a large, high-rise, office building in Ottawa were examined experimentally using an automated data acquisition system. Daily C02 concentration profiles throughout the building and air change rates, using SF6 as a tracer gas, were measured at minimum outdoor air supply rates during much of a heating season.

A rapid method for surveying CO concentrations in high-rise buildings.

A rapid method for employing personal exposure monitors (PEMs) to measure carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in high-rise buildings is described. The purpose is to determine whether or not a CO problem exists in a building, and, if so, what corrective actions should be taken. The methodology was applied to a 15-story building in Palo Alto, CA, where elevated CO concentrations were discovered on the first 11 floors . The source appeared to be an underground parking garage.

High rise housing for the nineties and beyond.

