Automated system for measuring air-exchange rate and radon concentration in houses.

The Aardvark automated system has been developed for continuously measuring the air-exchange rate and 222Rn (radon) concentration in an occupied residence. The air-exchange rate is measured over 90 min intervals by tracer gas decay using sulphur hexafluoride as the tracer gas.

Continuous air infiltration measurements in the LESO.

The total air infiltration rates can be determined by the tracer gas decay method, but to measure the influence of inhabitants or convective exchanges between rooms, the constant concentration method is more suitable. In order tomeasure these effects, the Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR), developed at the LESO, was used to perform an air exchange analysis on data recorded at regular intervals in up to 10 locations simultaneously. Three tracer gas methods were implemented: decay, constant concentration and continuous flow.

The reduction of air infiltration in an industrial laboratory.

As part of a programme to develop measurement methods for determining the ventilation rates of large buildings, we performed two series of tests in a single-celled laboratory with a volume of 600m3. The first series utilised constant concentration, constant emission and rate of decay tracer gas techniques to determine the characteristics of the infiltration pattern in varying winds and external temperatures. We used both discrete and continuous injection and sampling methods.

Ventilation system performance evaluation using tracer gas techniques.

Based on current concerns regarding indoor air quality and energy use, there is a need for in situ techniques for evaluating buildings' infiltration and ventilation characteristics. The U.S. National Bureau of Standards has developed and employed equipment and techniques for such evaluation. The measurement of whole building leakage and ventilation rates has been reported on previously. Additional procedures are presented here for a more complete evaluation of the ventilation system operation and the distribution of air within the building.

Ventilation efficiency measurements in occupied mechanically ventilated buildings.

The various meanings of ventilation efficiency are briefly summarised. The residual life time of a released tracer gas is chosen as the most meaningful and convenient basis for local efficiency measurements in large, occupied, mechanically ventilated buildings. Measurements were carried out in ten public swimming pool halls. Sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas was released from a 20 ml syringe at various locations around the pool hall and the integrated concentration with respect to time was measured at the exhaust air duct. This was extrapolated to infinite time using the measured decay rate.

Continuous air renewal measurements in different inhabited buildings.

A Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR) was developed at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland. Controlled by a microcomputer, this apparatus uses tracer gas methods ( decay, continuous flow or constant concentration). Up to ten different locations in inhabited rooms can be monitored simultaneously over extended periods of time, using mainly the "constant concentration" technique. Several air renewal surveys were carried out on different inhabited buildings.

An improved multiple tracer gas technique for the calculation of air movement in buildings.

Describes a series of tests carried out in two interconnected environmental chambers, to determine the accuracy of airflows calculated from tracer gas measurements using a new rapid sampling system. The system is capable of measuring 3 tracer gases simultaneously.

Field measurements of ventilation rates in 130 homes for indoor air quality assessments.

Three different types of methods for estimating ventilation rates in residences have been presented and the results of each method discussed. Field measurement experiences have helped to identify the potential errors of these methods. To date, the best correlations obtained have been between theconstant emission tracer methods involving perfluorocarbon and tracer gases. It is expected that a better understanding of the parameters that affect all of the techniques, specifically mixing volume, will lead to improved accuracy.

Multi-chamber air renewal survey using constant concentration tracer-gas technique. Mesures du taux de renouvellement d'air a l'aide d'un dispositif compact a concentration constante.

An accurate determination of air renewal rate and connective exchanges between units was needed for study of the solar units of the experimental building LESO, in both an occupied and empty state. The CESAR compact equipment for tracer gas (nitrous oxide) measurement was developed. This unit uses a microcomputer to perform a simultaneous and periodical gas analysis in 10 locations. Three tracer gas methods can be used: decay, constant concentration, and continuous flow. The device and regulating program work well with low rates of concentration (100ppm of nitrous oxide).

Continuous monitoring in occupied residences of air contaminants from unvented combustion sources

Continuous monitoring of NO, NO2, CO, CO2, and O2 depletion was conducted in 14 residences (13 with kerosene space heaters and one without) in two locations in the residence (room with the heater and bedroom) and outdoors. The continuous monitor
