Indoor climate problems in Danish dwellings . Complaints and diseases referred to the type and materials of dwellings and the living habits.

Reports survey of indoor climate problems in dwellings. Questionnaires were distributed to 424 families who had complained of indoor climate problems and 240 replies were received. The questionnaires dealt with complaints relating to the dwellings and the age, profession, health and smoking habits of theoccupants. The dwellings are described by type, age, material of outer and interior walls, ceiling and floor. There are questions on ventilating habits, cleaning habits and occupants' views on dust, noise, odour, temperature, humidity and draughts.

The effects of energy efficient ventilation rates on indoor air quality at a California High School.

Reports measurements of indoor air quality in an air conditioned California High School over a range of ventilation rates, ranging from 13.3 cu.ft. of outside air per minute for each classroom occupant to approximately 1.5 cfm per occupant. Parameters measured include outside air supply rate, theoccupants' perception of indoor air quality, microbial burden, concentration of CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, O3 in two classrooms, a hall and outdoors.

Indoor pollutants.

The report was prepared, at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency by the Committee on Indoor Pollutants. It outlines the scope of the problems regarding indoor pollutants and discusses their sources, their effects on human health and welfare, the technologies available for their control or abatement, and concerns about the effects of energy-conservation strategies on indoor concentrations of pollutants. It approaches the subject of indoor pollution from three viewpoints: 1. Physical factors, such as indoor pollutant sources and concentrations. 2.

Health risks from airborne pollution. Halsorisker till foljd av luftburna fororeningar.

Air pollution from combustion of fossil fuels can be injurious to health causing damages to air passages. Discusses health risks caused by radon emission in houses. Tables illustrate expected effects of exposure todifferent pollutants, causes of death, 15 years cumulative mortality data, mortality distribution comparison between UK and Sweden, risk of lung cancer caused by radon exposure, and effects on health caused by energy saving methods.

Formaldehyde in the home atmosphere. Formaldehyd i boligluft.

During the period 1973-76, measurements in housing where particle board is used as a building material have revealed a reduction in the formaldehyde content of the indoor atmosphere from 0.64 to 0.40 mg/cu.m. under standard indoor climatic conditions. A corresponding although slighter reduction in therelease of formaldehyde from particle board was found under controlled conditions in climatic chambers. Suggests these improvements in the quality of particle board will suffice to fulfill the proposed limit of 0.40 mg/cu.m.

Chipboard is not the only cause of formaldehyde nuisance. Spaanplat is niet de enige oorzaak van hinder door formaldehyde.

Elucidates many different aspects of formaldehyde occurrence, such as, comparable indoor air pollutants, complaints and investigations, coherence with ventilation rate and construction, chipboard types, qualities and prices, differing European directives on board composition, chipboard in cold and warm types of flat roofs.

Organic contaminants in indoor air and their relation to outdoor contaminants.

Describes a sampling system developed to collect, analyze and identify organic contaminants in air over as wide a range of molecular carbon number range as possible. Describes sampling technique and reports results of sampling in 36homes in the Chicago area. Two samples were taken simultaneously inside and outside. Fifteen homes were sampled in both summer and winter.< Concludes that people are exposed to a wide range of organic compounds on average at concentrations of below 100ppb.

Air quality in living and working places. Luftqualitat in Wohn -und Arbeitsraumen.

Air quality inside buildings depends on the contamination of outside air as well as on the air pollution inside the room. The human being contaminates the air through carbon dioxide, odours, vapours and particulates. The most important sources of pollution are tobacco smoke, consumer materials (organic solvents), building materials and furniture fittings (formaldehyde) and the use of gas for cooking and heating (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide).< Discusses these pollutants and reported levels of pollution in Swiss buildings. Discusses methods of removing pollutants from the air.

The effects of energy-efficient ventilation rates on indoor air quality at an Ohio elementary school.

The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory measured the indoor air quality at Fairmoor Elementary School in Columbus, Ohio. A mobile laboratory was used to monitor air outdoors and at three indoor sites (two classrooms and a large multipurpose room); tests were made at three different ventilation rates. The parameters measured were outside air flow rates, odor perception, microbial burden, particulate mass, total aldehydes, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen oxides.
