The leaky horror show.


Superposition in infiltration modelling.


5th AIC Conference: The implementation and effectiveness of air infiltration standards in buildings (Book of Proceedings)

Twenty one papers presented at the fifth AIVC Conference as follows: Review of building airtightness and ventilation standards; IEA Annex IX Minimum ventilation rates - Survey and outlook; A standard for minimum ventilation; Airtightness standards for buildings - the Canadian experience and future plans; Better airtightness: Better or worse ventilation?; Energy performance standards regarding air infiltration of buildings in Switzerland; Description of ASHRAE's proposed airtightness standard; Air quality issues in ventilation standards; Air leakage or controlled ventilation?; Development of

4th AIC Conference: Air infiltration reduction in existing buildings (Book of Proceedings)

Contains 16 papers including: Keynote Paper, Potential and limits of energy savings in the Swiss building stock; Recommended retrofit actions based on air infiltration evaluations in a variety of buildings; Air infiltration control in housing - a guide to international practice; The measurement of air infiltration rates in large enclosures and buildings; Ventilation measurements in large buildings; Air leakage ia industrial buildings • preliminary results; An oveview of ventilation research in large non-residential buildings; Improvement of airtightness in four schools; Air infiltration in

2nd AIC Conference: Building design for minimum air infiltration (Book of Proceedings)

Contains 16 pages as follows: The role of the Air Infiltration Centre; Introduction to the Air Infiltration Handbook; Indoor air quality and minimum ventilation; Effects of energy conservation measures in existing buildings; A simple method for representing the total ventilation behavior of an apartment building; Tracer gas measurements in low leakage buildings; Influence of different parameters in infiltration heat loss; Air flows in building components; Air infiltration site measurement techniques; Long term infiltration measurements in a full-scale test structure; Continuous measurements

1st AIC Conference: Air infiltration instrumentation and measuring techniques (Book of Proceedings)

The proceedings of the first AIVC Conference are divided into five sessions: Alternative measurement procedures; Automatic monitoring using tracer gas techniques; Pressurization test methods; Correlation of tracer gas and pressurization measurements; Other measurements.

4th AIC Conference: Air infiltration reduction in existing buildings: Supplement to Proceedings.

Contains one supplementary paper, "Experiences in air infiltration measurements in dwellings, and the discussion for the fourth AIC Conference.
