Residential ventilation system performance: Outcomes of a field study in the Netherlands

This paper describes the results of a Dutch national study into performance of mechanical ventilation systems and its effect on the self-reported health and perceived indoor environmental quality of occupants.

Swedish experience with air tight testing: Overall scheme, test protocol and practical examples

Starting already 1950 i.e. for more than 60 years back in time – we have been using a probably quite unique quality assurance system in Sweden covering all aspects of building and installation technologies. Practically all buildings and their installations are performed according to the quality requirements in the AMA specification guidelines (General Material and Workmanship Specifications). The AMA requirements are made valid when they are referred to in the contract between the owner and the contractor.

33rd AIVC and 2nd TightVent Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 10-11 October 2012

The 33rd AIVC and 2nd TightVent Conference - Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for [Nearly] Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort,  was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-11 October 2012.

Contains 61 papers. 
